In 1996, Daniela Serrati combined her economic expertise and interpersonal skills to create Studio Esse, a trailblazing company that organizes high-end events. Its ability to skilfully combine the wishes of each customer with creativity and attention to detail has led to numerous awards and recognitions over the years, including the 2008 IFE Award.

After over two decades of growth and great success, Studio Esse is evolving into Atelier Esse, a more fitting name for a workshop that crafts the most exclusive, elegant events.

A recognised leader in the organisation of meetings, conferences and inter-company events, Atelier Esse immediately made a name for itself thanks to the high standards of its meticulously organized events. It guarantees customers:

  • Customised solutions to provide clients with real and measurable benefits
  • Problem-solving because solving, and above all anticipating problems, is what makes our work effective
  • Optimisation because eliminating everything useless, while ensuring that an event runs smoothly, is what defines a fair price policy

Over the years, Atelier Esse has organised trade fairs, conventions, travel incentives, team building events, product launches and memorable gala dinners, combining the wishes of every customer with creativity, originality and attention to detail.

The company’s target market is broad, varied, multi-ethnic and multi-sectoral: consequently, Atelier Esse has remodelled itself every time, viewing each event not as a repetition of the previous event, but as a challenge, an adventure to approach from start to finish with constant enthusiasm, precision, rigour and ideas that are always new and tailored to the client.

Over the years, Atelier Esse has established very close relationships with countries in the European market, such as Germany and France, as well as Asian countries such as Indonesia: abundant positive feedback from Managers and Managing Directors of major companies has crowned the success of every single event.

The company has received a number of awards, including in the “Professional Event Organisers” category at the prestigious 2008 IFE Awards, given for the following reason: “With the Brand Board Meeting for top managers of a well-known international telephone company, held in Taormina from 16th to 21st September 2008, Atelier Esse put on an extraordinary performance defined by effective, impactful content, delivering creative solutions worthy of the high-level attendees."

Atelier Esse is a member of FEDERCONGRESSI, EFAPCO (European Federation of Associations of Professional Congress Organisers), Eventing Milan and MPI (Meeting Professionals International).

Daniela Serrati graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, received a diploma in Public Relations Techniques from CESMA and was awarded an Honorary Degree in Business Sciences with a specialization in Economics and Communication Technology by ISFOA, the Higher Institute of Finance and Business Organisation.

She is the founder and president of Studio Esse, an event management company, which in November 2018, after over twenty years of growth and great success, was transformed into Atelier Esse, a more accurate name for a workshop that produces the most exclusive, stylish events.



Press & Communication

With years of experience behind us we have all the contacts you need for your media communication.


We provide artists, dancers, acrobats, musicians and much more to make your event, convention, gala dinner or awards night dynamic, fun and unforgettable.

Audio/video system, layout and staging

Working with the best professionals in the industry, we illuminate your event with special lighting and effects, setting up your chosen location with a young, trendy layout and design.

Location research

We look for the most exclusive location, providing rapid feedback to your requests to create a successful event.




With the Brand Board Meeting addressed to the Top Managers of a well-known international telephone company, held in Taormina from 16 to 21 September 2008,

Studio Esse has been the author of an extraordinary performance in terms of effectiveness and intensity of content,

by combining the creativity of its solutions at the level of the participants.

“Thank you so much for everything, Madam Daniela, Francesca and Valentina you were so helpful and so total. Thanks to make everybody happy, thanks to make this event success and memorable. Hope we can work together in another big event! See you next time. God bless you all. Grazie.”

Prima D. Putra, event planner / creative & production coordinator mice department - Astrindo Travel Services, Febbraio 2020

“Vorremmo rinnovare il nostro ringraziamento per l’invito e esprimere i nostri complimenti per la perfetta organizzazione e svolgimento della serata. Un sincero plauso a Lei ed al suo team per l’efficienza e la cordialità riservata all’accoglienza dei numerosi partecipanti. Di successo anche la scelta dei partners operativi, distintisi per la sorridente cortesia ed efficienza. Grazie per aver offerto a noi presenti una serata davvero piacevole e di successo per le occasioni di networking che abbiamo ricevuto."

Federico Dossena - Managing Director Italy, France & Iberia - 21.11.2019

“Thank you and your team for your hard work organising the event as well as on site. The performers were excellent and we had such incredible feedback from our guests that I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything more positive coming from this group in any past events, so thank you very much for that!”

Beatrice Grabazyte -Event Manager c/o Dynamic Conferences & Events Ltd – 12/04/2019

“Si vous êtes à la recherche d'un très bon DMC en Italie, je vous conseille le mien avec lequel j'ai organisé mon séminaire incentive sur Côme et Milan. Elles est spécialisée sur tout le nord de l'Italie en partant de Venise, la Toscane et bien-sûr tous les lacs et Milan autant avec de la clientèle d'entreprise pour des séminaires et des incentives que dans le luxe. Ses points forts Réactivité Créativité Flexibilité J'ai pu aprrécier tous ces points forts avec le dernier évent avec elle qui était très compliqué à monter et surtout avec des changements très fréquents de programme y compris pendant l'event. Des tarifs très doux, ce qui est rare en Italie Francophone et francophile””

Philippe Alibert – President c/o Private Avenue – 18/04/2019